Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lin X Cel Vc-211a Driver Ideal date with myself (because that's how I am self xD)

It's pretty simple really.

As I boto on strike tomorrow and I will not do anything for my health (it is said to do sports or something like that), I have a date tonight myself and the thing would be something like:

- The pc on and with a Word document open, blank.
- Springsteen playing.
- A Dilmah tea (blueberry and vanilla, anyway)
- Scones and lemon poppy.
- Brushes, oil stain scattered clothing piece.

Give me that and I am disgustingly happy =)

Part of the reason that, tomorrow I do not intend to do anything about my health so I can afford a late night. The other thing is that my mother begins to threaten to get me off of computing


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