Fandom / s: Gossip Girl / Sakura Card Captors
Claim: Blair / Chuck
Table: Parts I
Prompt: "No Way"
Notes: History divided into 10 drabbles. Previous Drabble, here
"No way"
"I'm speaking on isRio, Chuck.
-Blair, are you aware of what you're saying? He asked, wanting to let go a laugh, but for fear of mad respect for Blair's face had to be contained.
- Yes! I know that may sound ridiculous, but ...
- Ridiculous? Are you saying that a lion flies at night in Tokyo!
- It's true! And that Tomoyo Daidouji know something! She also saw him!
"I have not closed the deal with Daidouji so, please, please do not mess with them, Blair.
Blair looked angry, tight-lipped. Did he wanted her to stop all this? No way. And now that I had a clue where to start to investigate, nothing would stop her. Bl
Wooooooooow! Me hubiese gustado haber sido informada de esto. ¿Por qué no te pusiste en contacto conmigo? o.o